Boom: Length: 1350 mm. First element attached 20 mm from end and the last one 25 mm from end. Size: 18x18 mm Alle measurements from the centre to the centre of each element. Element 1: 20 mm from end of the boom - length: 810 mm. Element 2 (dipole): 280 mm from element 1 - dipole length 755 mm and and 75 mm apart. Element 3: 105 mm from element 2 (dipole) - length 590 mm. Element 4: 215 mm from element 3 - length 570 mm. Element 5: 215 mm from element 4 - length 560 mm. Element 6: 255 mm from element 5 - length 560 mm. Element 7: 245 mm from element 6 - length 560 mm. Elements have a diameter of 10 mm.