April 26 2020 – Qt-DAB 3.4.1 released




Yesterday Jan Van Katwijk released Qt-DAB 3.4.1. You can also download the dab-mini at the same time.
What’s new in 3.4.1.?
Qt-DAB 3.4 differs from 3.3 mainly in its internal structure.
Visible changes are the sub directory “dab-mini” in the source tree, a subdirectory for creating
a mini version of the Qt-DAB software (i.e. the same software with a mini GUI)
A second visible change is that – finally – I found time to write user documentation, the resulting user guide
to be found in the docs subdirectory.
Two windows installers are now available, one for Qt-DAB and one for dabMini (the latter still somewhat
Note that the continuous build contains the most recent sources and appImage. The windows
installers are derived from the continuous build.

What’s new in 3.4.1.?
3.4.1 does not differ that much from 3.4.
A few minor errors are removed, documentation is slightly adapted.
In the GUI there is one change: at the regular end of a scan there is a possibility of saving the result
into an ASCI encoded file, in a format that is readable by e.g. LibreOfficeCalc and similar programs.

Qt-DAB 3.4.1


April 25 2020

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km
178.35 5C 0609 D DR Deutschland, Bonn/Venusberg (nrw) 170km
178.35 5C 0628 D DR Deutschland, Düsseldorf/Rheinturm (nrw) 145km
190.64 7B 0701 D hr Radio, Hardberg (hes) 333km
197.65 8B 0702 D MDR THUERINGEN, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km
190.64 7B 0713 D hr Radio, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km
190.64 7B 0735 D hr Radio, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) 277km


April 11 2020




MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km
197.65 8B 0629 DNK DAB2 S, Vejle/Gl. Højen/Tårnvej 66 (sdk) 609km (tent. location)
195.94 8A 0632 HOL 8A Randstad NL, Rotterdam/Alticom Toren (Waalhaven) (zho) 100km

DAB2 S - Vejle?

April 10 2020 QIRX – released




Clem Schmidt released version
What’s new?

  • TII List
    The TII LLog contained old entries. These are removed now.
  • Config file checker
    The config file check sometimes reported non-existent errors on startup.
  • OFCOM Database
    OFCOM added an empty column in its .csv file used by the Database Updater, causing an error in the DB Updater.

Check out the history of QIRX here. Download here.


March 18 2020




MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km
178.35 5C 0658 D DR Deutschland, Düsseldorf/Rheinturm (nrw) 145km
195.94 8A 0819 F LILLE Etendu, Lille/Bouvigny le Mont [62] (59) 159km
178.35 5C 0820 D DR Deutschland, Ebbegebirge Herscheid (nrw) 214km



March 13 2020 – Qt-DAB 3.3 released



Today Jan Van Katwijk released Qt-DAB 3.3. Dowload it here.
“Qt-DAB 3.3. has some new features compared to 2.1.
The change in configuration is being addressed (although there will be still a minor discontinuity in the output).
Audio subservices will now show on the services list and – as an experiment – a provision is made to define a list of frequencies as “channels”.
Furthermore, some minor errors were corrected.”

QT-DAB 3.3