Today Clem Schmidt released QIRX 4.0.5. Download QIRX 4.0.5 here. QIRX manuals: here. Compare V3 vs V4 features here. Mind: QIRX 4 is not free. You need a licence key. What’s new in QIRX 4.0.5 (abridged from the QIRX history page)?
World of DX-ing
Today Clem Schmidt released QIRX 4.0.5. Download QIRX 4.0.5 here. QIRX manuals: here. Compare V3 vs V4 features here. Mind: QIRX 4 is not free. You need a licence key. What’s new in QIRX 4.0.5 (abridged from the QIRX history page)?
A few weeks ago Clem Schmidt released QIRX 4.0.4. Download it here. QIRX manuals: here. Mind: QIRX 4 is not free. You need a licence key. What’s new? The CPU load has been reduced. 1. A red dot indicates the active receiver. 2. Settings can be edited for non-active receivers while listening to an active…
QT-DAB 4.4.2 and 5.0 have been updated recently by Jan Van Katwijk. A nice colour stylesheet has been implemented. Yesterday Jan changed the size and fonts of the buttons for easier reading. Download QT-DAB 4.4.2 and 5.0 here.
QT-DAB 4.4.2 and 5.0 have been updated. The localhost map and the .csv logfile now show time and date!Download Jan Van Katwijk’s QT-DAB here.
Today Clem Schmidt released QIRX 4.0.3. What’s new?Bug Fixes: Dowload QIRX 4.0.3 here. QIRX manuals: here.Mind: QIRX 4 is not free. You need a licence key.
A new update for QT-DAB 4.4.2 and 5.0 can be downloaded from Jan Van Katwijks github page. What’s new in this release? 1. Save transmitter data. Transmitter data produced on the localhost map can be saved in a .csv file.When ticking this box the user will be asked where to save the file after activating…
Yesterday Jan Van Katwijk released a minor update of QT-DAB (4.4.2 and 5.0.1).There was a minor glitch in the EPG data handling causing QT-DAB to occasionally crash.An EPG settings selector has been added to QT-DAB 4.4.4 and 5.0.1. The new epgFlag can be found in the .ini file located at C:\Users\***\. Value 1 is on.…