Today Jan Van Katwijk released QT 4.2. Download it here. “4.2 is merely an updated 4.1 version, with some modifications, basically invisible, to prepare some more fundamental changes.” Do have a look at the manual.
World of DX-ing
Today Jan Van Katwijk released QT 4.2. Download it here. “4.2 is merely an updated 4.1 version, with some modifications, basically invisible, to prepare some more fundamental changes.” Do have a look at the manual.
Clem Schmidt from QIRX published the Linux QIRX Console a few days ago. I took me a while, with great help from Clem, to get in running in Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine. There’s no GUI. It’s all done in the Linux terminal. Clem has no intention to work on a GUI or major further…
QIRX 3.1.8 by Clem Schmidt was released today. What’s new? ° Audio: Change from using NAudio to PortAudio, due to compatibility with .net5 and (coming) Linux. ° Logging: Change from log4net to NLog, due to compatibility with .net5. The logging is now always active, the log can be activated and its level can be set…
What’s changed in 3.1.7? PPM Frequency Correction and DAB Calibration: Now performed with fractional ppm values (1/100ppm). As a result, e.g. the RSP line of receivers run with a frequency error of about only 1e-8, after warmup of 30 minutes and a constant temperature. This is significantly better than the factory provided value. qirx_audio V1.3:…
Jan Van Katwijk released QT-dab 4.1. A great scheduling tool has been added so you can now program as many automatic station switches as you want.You can also schedule shut-downs, recordings etc. Download QT-dab 4.1 here.
After having dabbled in Linux years ago, I decided it was time again to find out how to use Linux in FMDAB DX, with my hardware (RSP1A, RTL-SDR and AirspyR2). I chose Ubuntu in a virtual machine (Virtual Box) and have a go at the Linux adventure. DAB Welle.ioEasiest to install was as it…