Category: ES


May 27 2024 – CAN FMDX

Today FMDXer Larry Horlick from Coley’s Point, Canada received 51 stations Portugal, Spain and the Canary Islands! Distances of over 4000 km were covered in the double hop e-skip. Congratulations to Larry for this fantastic FMDX!

May 20 2024

MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km70.79 1031 BLR BR Pershy Kanal/OIRT, Berezino (Berazino)/ARTPS (MI) // stream 1666km71.96 1032 BLR BR Kanal Kultura/OIRT, Mogilev (Mahilyow)/RTPS Polykovichi (MA) // stream 1755km71.18 1033 BLR BR Radio Stalitsa/OIRT, Mogilev (Mahilyow)/RTPS Polykovichi (MA) // stream 1755km70.67 1034 BLR BR Pershy Kanal/OIRT, Vitebsk/RTPS Jurjeva Gorka (VI) // stream…

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January 1 2024

My 2023 FMDX in numbers. 1043 logs were recorded with 703 different stations from 30 countries.Download my 2023 FM logs here. Belgian DXers made 8931 logs with 3221 different stations from 41 countries.

November 7 2023

MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km 67.19 1011 BLR BR Radio Grodno/OIRT, Smorgon’/RTPS (HR) // web 1504km 66.98 1012 BLR BR Pershy Kanal/OIRT, Grodno (Hrodna)/RTPS (ul. Gorkogo, 85) (HR) // web 1328km 70.10 1015 BLR BR Radio Mogilev/OIRT, Mogilev (Mahilyow)/RTPS Polykovichi (MA) // web 1755km 66.20 1016 BLR BR Kanal Kultura/OIRT, Grodno…

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October 22 2023

MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km 87.60 1132 POR Rádio Imagem, Fornos de Algodres (gua) // web 1489km 89.80 1134 MRC Medradio, Essaouira/Jbel Lahdid (7) // web 2437km 87.60 1138 MRC SNRT Quran, Imintanoute (7) // web 2487km 93.00 1152 E Radio Castilla La Mancha, Ossa de Montiel (CAM-AB) // web –…

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August 22 2023

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km 218.64 11B 0446 D OAS BW, Heidelberg/Königstuhl, SWR (bwü) 336km 202.93 9A 0449 D DR Saarland, Moseltal (Perl) (saa) 208km 202.93 9A 0449 D DR Saarland, Mettlach-St. Gangolf (saa) 214km 202.93 9A 0449 D DR Saarland, Tholey (saa) 235km 202.93 9A 0449 D DR Saarland,…

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August 12 2023

MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km 87.60 1057 E La Revoltosa FM, Valencina de la Concepción (AND-SE) PI logged: B950 1734km 92.70 1058 E Informa Radio, Sevilla (AND-SE) PI logged: FEFE 1736km 94.50 1058 E RNE Radio Clásica, Jerez de la Frontera/San Cristóbal (AND-CA) PI logged: E212 1815km 90.00 1059 E RNE…

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