December 7 2020 – QT-dab 3.7 Final

Final QT-dab 3.7 has been released. What’s new?

SNR error has been fixed. EPG is implemented but still experimental.
Scanning has been improved with the option to make several skiplists.
Mind you: after installing check your device setting. All MUXes were set wrong on my pc. LNA was set to 4 instead of previous 1 on ALL muxes. I had to change the settings for each mux.
Always good to download and check the manual 😀

Download QT-dab 3.7 here.

QT-dab 3.7 QT-dab 3.7

December 1 2020 – QT-dab 3.7 Pre

Today Jan Van Katwijk released QT-dab 3.7 Pre. Download it here.

What’s new?
Qt-DAB 3.7 brings – apart from a number of minor changes – two new items
a. an SNR viewer, a widget can be selected that will show the development of the SNR over time. If configured, the output can be stored in afile and there is – for Linux – a small application that will show the content of the file
b. a skipTable for the scanner. In many cases it is known beforehand that a channel does not contain a DAB signal. In the skipTable (made visible with the configurtion widget) it can be indicated which channels can be skipped while scanning.

As usual, an AppImage and a Windows installer is available for both qt-dab and dabMini are here available.
The documentation is updated and the up-to-date users guide can be found in the docs section in the source tree.

A single scan produces a results file with all the ensemble data in full.
Continous scans produce ‘summary’ files like this:
7A Zuid NL ; ensembleId 8017; channel 7A; frequency 188928; nr services 13; time 2020-dec-03 16:02; transmitters (7+2); SNR 8;

QT-dab 3.7 Pre
QT-dab 3.7 Pre

November 29 2020

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km
190.64 7B 0621 D hr Radio, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km
190.64 7B 0621 D hr Radio, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) 277km
178.35 5C 0622 D DR Deutschland, Ebbegebirge Herscheid (nrw) 214km
178.35 5C 0622 D DR Deutschland, Köln/Colonius (nrw) 155km
178.35 5C 0622 D DR Deutschland, Siegen Süd (nrw) 233km
178.35 5C 0623 D DR Deutschland, Aachen/Karlshöhe (nrw) 97km
197.65 8B 0623 D MDR THUERINGEN, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km
197.65 8B 0624 D MDR THUERINGEN, Inselsberg (thü) 403km
204.64 9B 0624 D Antenne DE, Siegen Süd (nrw) 233km
204.64 9B 0624 D Antenne DE, Düsseldorf/Rheinturm (nrw) 145km
204.64 9B 0624 D Antenne DE, Köln/Colonius (nrw) 155km
204.64 9B 0625 D Antenne DE, Bonn/Venusberg (nrw) 170km
195.94 8A 0628 HOL 8A Randstad NL, IJsselstein/Gerbrandytoren (utr) 115km
195.94 8A 0628 HOL 8A Randstad NL, Hilversum/Media Park (nho) 142km
195.94 8A 0629 HOL 8A Randstad NL, Den Haag/Cellnex Toren (zho) 123km
192.35 7C 0637 F Lille-Local, Lille/Lambersart (59) 124km
194.06 7D 0642 LUX LUX-TEST, Dudelange/Ginsterberg (lux) 197km
181.94 6A 0932 HOL Brabant N.O, Schaijk/Spijkerstraat (nbr) 104km

Brabant N.O, Schaijk
Brabant N.O, Schaijk

197.65 8B 0936 HOL 8B Wageningen, Wageningen/Bemonte Residence (gel) 128km
208.06 9D 1154 D SWR BW N, Murgtal (bwü) 367km
192.35 7C 1326 F Lille-Local, Lille/Lambersart (59) 124km
194.06 7D 1326 F LILLE Local 2, Lille/Fort de Mons-en-Barœul (59) 119km
225.65 12B 1328 G BBC National DAB, Hannington (EN-HPS) 417km
225.65 12B 1328 G BBC National DAB, Caterham/Old Park Wood (EN-SUR) 336km
225.65 12B 1329 G BBC National DAB, Hemel Hempstead/Pimlico (EN-HTS) 366km
225.65 12B 1333 G BBC National DAB, Kendal (EN-CUM) 622km

MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km

94.00 2121 F France Culture, Rouen/Grand-Couronne (76) 321km
93.00 2123 F France Inter, Alençon/Mont d’Amain (61) 406km
92.00 2125 F France Musique, Rouen/Grand-Couronne (76) 321km
92.70 2125 F France Inter, Neufchâtel-en-Bray/Croixdalle (76) 272km
91.00 2126 F France Musique, Alençon/Mont d’Amain (61) 406km
99.60 2128 F France Inter, Caen/Mont Pinçon (14) 442km


November 28 2020

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km
190.64 7B 1624 HOL DAB+ 4 Brainport, Eindhoven/Stadhuis (nbr) 72km
197.65 8B 1624 HOL 8B Wageningen, Wageningen/Bemonte Residence (gel) 128km
195.94 8A 1625 HOL 8A Randstad NL, IJsselstein/Gerbrandytoren (utr) 115km
195.94 8A 1625 HOL 8A Randstad NL, Hilversum/Media Park (nho) 142km
178.35 5C 1627 D DR Deutschland, Düsseldorf/Rheinturm (nrw) 145km
178.35 5C 1627 D DR Deutschland, Ebbegebirge Herscheid (nrw) 214km
199.36 8C 1742 HOL MTVNL, Maastricht/Cellnex Toren (lim) 68km


November 21 2020

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km
190.64 7B 1913 D hr Radio, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) 277km
190.64 7B 1914 D hr Radio, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km
178.35 5C 1916 D DR Deutschland, Ebbegebirge Herscheid (nrw) 214km
197.65 8B 1924 D MDR THUERINGEN, Inselsberg (thü) 403km
197.65 8B 1925 D MDR THUERINGEN, Kulpenberg (thü) 445km
190.64 7B 1928 D hr Radio, Habichtswald (hes) 325km
190.64 7B 1928 D hr Radio, Rimberg (hes) 333km
194.06 7D 1947 LUX LUX-TEST, Dudelange/Ginsterberg (lux) 197km
202.93 9A 1952 D DR Saarland, Göttelborner Höhe (saa) 246km
202.93 9A 1952 D DR Saarland, Saarbrücken-Halberg (saa) 257km
204.64 9B 1959 D Antenne DE, Saarbrücken/Schoksberg (saa) 246km
218.64 11B 2050 D DRS BW, Heidelberg/Königstuhl, SWR (bwü) 336km
208.06 9D 2051 D SWR BW N, Heidelberg/Königstuhl, SWR (bwü) 336km
218.64 11B 2206 D DRS BW, Stuttgart-Degerloch (bwü) 406km
208.06 9D 2227 D SWR BW N, Murgtal (bwü) 367km

SWR BW N, Heidelberg/Königstuhl
SWR BW N, Heidelberg/Königstuhl



November 17 2020

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km
194.06 7D 1828 LUX LUX-TEST, Dudelange/Ginsterberg (lux) 197km
190.64 7B 1834 D hr Radio, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) 277km
197.65 8B 1836 D MDR THUERINGEN, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km
204.64 9B 1842 D Antenne DE, Siegen Süd (nrw) 233km
190.64 7B 1851 D hr Radio, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km
190.64 7B 1851 D hr Radio, Rimberg (hes) 333km
197.65 8B 1857 D MDR THUERINGEN, Inselsberg (thü) 403km
178.35 5C 1931 D DR Deutschland, Rimberg (hes) 333km
178.35 5C 1931 D DR Deutschland, Inselsberg (thü) 403km
204.64 9B 2158 D Antenne DE, Koblenz/Kühkopf (rlp) 215km
