December 28 2024 – AbracaDABra 2.9.0

Petr Kopecký released AbracaDABra 2.9.0 tonight. AbracaDABra 2.9.0 can be downloaded from Petr’s Github release page.

What’s new in 2.9.0?
1. In the TII decoder widget the number of transmitters on the received MUX are now shown at the top right hand side.

Total number of received transmitters
Total number of received transmitters (numbers added by ed.)

2. In the Scanning tool results the user can select multiple rows and these are shown as bubbles on the map.

Multiple rows multiple bubbles
Multiple rows selected and shown as bubbles

3. Right or double clicking on a row in the Scanning tool widget produces the ensemble structure in the Precise mode.

Ensemble structure in Scanning Tool Precise mode
Ensemble structure in Scanning Tool Precise mode

4. TII detector improvements.