January 2 2024 – Qt-DAB 6.40 released

Today Jan Van Katwijk released a Qt-DAB 6.40.Qt-DAB 6.40 is a transitional release towards moving from 32-bit to 64 bit Windows releases.The 6.40 64bit runs RTL-SDRV4 and not V3. There are two 32 bit versions: one for RTL-SDR V3 and one for V4. Download QT-DAB 6.40 from Jan’s Github release pageWhat’s new?

December 14 2023

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km199.36 8C 1001 F Métropolitain 2, Béthune-Lens/Bouvigny-Boyeffles CV11 (62) 158km NEW! 199.36 8C 1001 F Métropolitain 2, Arras/Sainte-Catherine (62) 157km199.36 8C 1001 F Métropolitain 2, Cambrai/Martin-Martine (59) 138km199.36 8C 1001 F Métropolitain 2, Douai/LAM (59) 135km199.36 8C 1037 F Métropolitain 2, Tours/les Rochettes (37) 493km –…

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