Month: February 2023

February 14 2023

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km 174.93 5A 1049 BEL DAB+ VLAANDEREN2, Oostvleteren/Elzendamme (vlg-wvl) 139km 190.64 7B 1118 D hr Radio, Sackpfeife (Biedenkopf) (hes) 267km 199.36 8C 2030 F Métropolitain 2, Bagnolet(Paris)/Tour Mercuriales Ouest (93) 288km 197.65 8B 2043 HOL 8B N-H / Flevo, Haarlem/Cellnex Toren (nho) 155km 197.65 8B 2044…

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February 14 2023 – minor update QT-DAB

There’s a minor update in Jan Van Katwijk’s QT-DAB 4.4.2 and 5.1. Coordinates (longitudes and latitudes of received transmitters on the localhost map are no longer separated by two dashes (–) but by a single space, making it easier to manually copy them in Google Maps. Download QT-DAB here and do check out the manual.

February 13 2023

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km 195.94 8A 0556 HOL RegioMiddenNH, Heiloo/De Spindel (nho) 177km 190.64 7B 0605 D hr Radio, Sackpfeife (Biedenkopf) (hes) 267km 190.64 7B 0605 D hr Radio, Hohe Wurzel (hes) 261km 190.64 7B 0606 D hr Radio, Rimberg (hes) 333km 190.64 7B 0650 D hr Radio, Kreuzberg…

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February 10 2023 – Off Air

FG Xtra lost its license a few days ago. They are no longer allowed to broadcast on 107.0 MHz. On mux 10A the FG Xtra channel has been replaced by a no audio channel ‘Off Air’ with a test card as a logo.

February 8 2023

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km 208.06 9D 1052 D Mein NRW DAB+, Schöppingen (nrw) 215km 208.06 9D 1052 D Mein NRW DAB+, Münster/Fernmeldeturm (nrw) 230km 197.65 8B 1053 HOL 8B N-H / Flevo, Amsterdam/Cellnex Toren (nho) 149km 197.65 8B 1054 HOL 8B N-H / Flevo, Wieringerwerf/Robbenoordbos (nho) 214km 197.65 8B…

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