What’s new?
1.RSPs Spectrum Level: 8- and 16-bit settings now show identical spectrum levels.
2. AAC Decoding and Recording: Again decoding with “Audio Specific Coding” ASC instead of ADTS headers. AAC recordings made with LOAS/LATM headers (ASC is a prerequisite). This solves the problem of the audio recordings having a too low pitch, due to the DAB+ mandatory 960 frame length. The VLC player handles the files correctly. Foobar2000 and the Windows Media Player don’t play these files. WAV format remains selectable.
3. qirx_audio V1.2: Change to ASC decoding. Additionally, V1.2 solves an error causing a crash when changing from a service with 48kHz sampling rate to one with 32kHz.
Remark: Older versions of qirx_audio do not work with this QIRX version.
Download QIRX 3.1.6 HERE.
If audio is lost after the install, remove and reinstall QIRX and the problem is solved.