This is how aerials and mast behave during strong gales.
World of DX-ing
This is how aerials and mast behave during strong gales.
The NESDR SMArTee v2 SDR ordered from Amazon Deutschland arrived today. Specs: An ultra-low noise software defined radio, capable of receiving nearly ANY RF signal from approximately 25MHz-1700MHz. Includes SDR only! For a full package with an antenna bundle, please see Unmatched price & performance–redesigned PCB reduces noise by an average of a full…
New hardware. Today I replaced the RF-Market with two stacked logpers from Tipa CZE made by Emme Esse from Italy. The two logpers are stacked about 125 cm apart and linked together with the Emme Esse combiner. How are they stacked? Spacing: 147 cm apart. Each antenna is hooked up to the combiner with a…
The new DAB Yagi 174 elements from RF Market has been installed. The construction is very sturdy, although the circuit box interior had crumbled a bit. Specs: gain 14 dbi – F/B ratio 35 db – V opening angle 30°. First impression: SNR is on par or even a bit less than with the former…
Brand new motor and winch casing in anodized aluminium.
My antenna mast (16 m + antennas) needed a long overdue paint job. Colour: wood green. The electrics have been cleaned up and a new casing for motor and winch is on its way. It took me a few hours of grinding, sanding and cleaning and then balancing on a ladder with a can of…
The RTL SDR I ordered from Amazon arrived after 9 days. Why buying an RTL when you already own an SDRPlay 1A (metal cased) and an Airspy R2? When doing some DAB+dxing it’s vital to find out the TII (Transmitter Identification Information) code to pinpoint the location of the dx reception. These codes can be…