Today Jan Van Katwijk released QT-dab 3.7 Pre. Download it here.
What’s new?
Qt-DAB 3.7 brings – apart from a number of minor changes – two new items
a. an SNR viewer, a widget can be selected that will show the development of the SNR over time. If configured, the output can be stored in afile and there is – for Linux – a small application that will show the content of the file
b. a skipTable for the scanner. In many cases it is known beforehand that a channel does not contain a DAB signal. In the skipTable (made visible with the configurtion widget) it can be indicated which channels can be skipped while scanning.
As usual, an AppImage and a Windows installer is available for both qt-dab and dabMini are here available.
The documentation is updated and the up-to-date users guide can be found in the docs section in the source tree.
A single scan produces a results file with all the ensemble data in full.
Continous scans produce ‘summary’ files like this:
7A Zuid NL ; ensembleId 8017; channel 7A; frequency 188928; nr services 13; time 2020-dec-03 16:02; transmitters (7+2); SNR 8;

QT-dab 3.7 Pre