The last few days Jan Van Katwijk’s Qt-DAB 6.9 has upgrade from Beta to Release Candidate.
Today you can download setup-qt-dab32-qt6-6.9.exe and setup-qt-dab32-qt6-6.9V3.exe
on the Qt-DAB release Github page.
The new Qt6 precompiled versions no longer have the ‘load table’ button to download the latest fmlist database due to some stability issues.
You need to set-up and then run the new little program setup-qt-db-loader.exe.
In the Configuration and control widget you then click on ‘refresh table’ and you are good to go.
Also new is a ‘new tii detector’ at top left hand side of the Configuration and control widget.
When not ticked the old detector is in use.

Last but not least the ‘furthest distance’ now shows the most distant location of all scanned channels and no longer the one of the currently scanned one.