An update to Qt-DAB-6.9 Beta was released today by Jan Van Katwijk.
The updated Qt-DAB can be downloaded from on Jan’s Github releases page.
Jan Van Katwijk appreciates your comments and feedback on his Qt-DAB Github issues page.
What’s new in this updated 6.9 Beta?
°A new and very sensitive algorithm to detect TII values coupled to names and data from received transmitter.
°The minimum level of the TII threshold is now 6 dB. Setting the correct TII threshold level make take some experimenting. Below your set threshold level Qt-DAB will assume the signal is noise.
This may reduce the number of ‘not in database’ messages.

°An experimental subID filtering option had been added.

°TII scope ins the spectrum widget has been modified. It now shows the pre-processed data (192 elements) used by the tii decoder.

°The scope widget has been enlarged.
°The scanning .csv output has been improved making it easier to analyse the scanning data.