January 15 2025

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km TII
197.65 8B 1016 F Métropolitain 1, Saint-Épain/le Buisson (37) Tent. colliding subID? 528km 1001
197.65 8B 1000 F Métropolitain 1, Saint-Denis-d’Orques (72) Tent. colliding subID? 487km 0209
197.65 8B 1016 F Métropolitain 1, Nantes/Sillon de Bretagne (44) Tent. colliding subID? 621km 0301
197.65 8B 1008 F Métropolitain 1, Le Mans/la Noé (72) Tent. colliding subID? 468km 0208
197.65 8B 0952 F Métropolitain 1, Ancenis/les Brulons (44) Tent. colliding subID? 577km 0308
199.36 8C 0953 F Métropolitain 2, Paimpol/Parc Langen (22) Tent. colliding subID? 608km 1206
199.36 8C 0757 F Métropolitain 2, Saint-Malo/les Bergerons (35) 544km 0402
199.36 8C 0834 F Métropolitain 2, Plounérin/la Poste Neuve (22) Tent. colliding subID? 650km 1201
199.36 8C 0835 F Métropolitain 2, Orléans/Fleury (45) Tent. colliding subID? 395km 0301
199.36 8C 0756 F Métropolitain 2, Nogent-le-Rotrou/Ceton 61 Tent. colliding subID? 417km 0904
199.36 8C 0833 F Métropolitain 2, Mâcon/le Gros Mont (71) Tent. colliding subID? 516km 0101
199.36 8C 0830 F Métropolitain 2, Le Mans/la Noé (72) Tent. colliding subID? 468km 0901
199.36 8C 0815 F Métropolitain 2, Arconsat/Pardelières nord (63) Tent. colliding subID? 572km 0104
199.36 8C 0750 F Métropolitain 2, Antran/la Barbotterie (86) Tent. colliding subID? 548km 0404
199.36 8C 0747 F Métropolitain 2, Égreville/Bois Liard (77) Tent. colliding subID? 341km 0505
199.36 8C 0816 F Métropolitain 2, Nogent-le-Rotrou/Ceton 61 Tent. colliding subID? 417km 0904
199.36 8C 0826 F Métropolitain 2, Saint-Nazaire/Pornichet (44) Tent. colliding subID? 657km 0404
178.35 5C 1532 D DR Deutschland, Idar-Oberstein/Hillschied (rlp) or Siegen Süd? 236km 2108
190.64 7B 1518 D hr Radio, Würzberg (hes) 343km 0613
190.64 7B 1520 D hr Radio, Mainz-Kastel hes 274km 0616
190.64 7B 1520 D hr Radio, Hardberg (hes) 333km 0623
190.64 7B 1520 D hr Radio, Rimberg (hes) 333km 0614
190.64 7B 1544 D hr Radio, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km 0620


January 14 2025

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km TII
190.64 7B 0730 D hr Radio, Würzberg (hes) 343km 0623
190.64 7B 0730 D hr Radio, Rimberg (hes) 333km 0614
190.64 7B 0746 D hr Radio, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km 0620
197.65 8B 0530 F Métropolitain 1, Nogent-le-Rotrou/Ceton 61 417km 0208
197.65 8B 1808 F Métropolitain 1, Nantes/Sillon de Bretagne (44) Tent. colliding subID 621km 0209
197.65 8B 1856 F Métropolitain 1, Le Mans/la Noé (72) Tent. colliding subID 468km 0202
197.65 8B 1902 F Métropolitain 1, Sablé-sur-Sarthe/le petit Martin (72) Tent. colliding subID 506km 0201
197.65 8B 1907 F Métropolitain 1, Saint-Denis-d’Orques (72) Tent. colliding subID 487km 1001
197.65 8B 1913 F Métropolitain 1, Saint-Épain/le Buisson (37) Tent. colliding subID 528km 0308
197.65 8B 1935 F Métropolitain 1, Ancenis/les Brulons (44) Tent. colliding subID 577km 0301
197.65 8B 1941 F Métropolitain 1, Laval/le Chênot (53) Tent. colliding subID 510km 0201
199.36 8C 0504 F Métropolitain 2, Tours/les Rochettes (37) 493km 1804
199.36 8C 0755 F Métropolitain 2, Pont-Audemer/le Bel Air (27) 352km 0904
199.36 8C 1701 F Métropolitain 2, Arconsat/Pardelières nord (63) Tent. colliding subID 572km 0101
199.36 8C 1703 F Métropolitain 2, Nogent-le-Rotrou/Ceton 61 Tent. colliding subID 417km 0404
199.36 8C 1703 F Métropolitain 2, Caulnes/les Champs Blancs (22) Tent. colliding subID 581km 0104
199.36 8C 1721 F Métropolitain 2, Morlaix/Réservoir de Kerivin (29) Tent. colliding subID 672km 0401
199.36 8C 1724 F Métropolitain 2, Antran/la Barbotterie (86) Tent. colliding subID 548km 1202
199.36 8C 1738 F Métropolitain 2, Mâcon/le Gros Mont (71) Tent. colliding subID 516km 0505
199.36 8C 1803 F Métropolitain 2, Orléans/Fleury (45) Tent. colliding subID 395km 0301
199.36 8C 1821 F Métropolitain 2, Égreville/Bois Liard (77) Tent. colliding subID 341km 0403
199.36 8C 1833 F Métropolitain 2, Blois/Erigny (41) Tent. colliding subID 450km 0901
199.36 8C 1902 F Métropolitain 2, Plounérin/la Poste Neuve (22) Tent. colliding subID 650km 0402
199.36 8C 1913 F Métropolitain 2, Le Mans/la Noé (72) Tent. colliding subID 468km 1201
199.36 8C 1913 F Métropolitain 2, Saint-Malo/les Bergerons (35) Tent.colliding subID 544km 0402
199.36 8C 1914 F Métropolitain 2, Rouen/Canteleu TDF (76) Tent. colliding subID 313km 1802


MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km
91.30 0940 D NRW 1, Niederkrüchten-Heyen (nrw) first 107km
87.90 1005 D MDR Kultur, Inselsberg (thü) 403km
89.10 1258 G BBC Radio 2, Wrotham (EN-KNT) 311km


January 13 2025 – Qt-DAB-6.9-RC

The last few days Jan Van Katwijk’s Qt-DAB 6.9 has upgrade from Beta to Release Candidate.
Today you can download setup-qt-dab32-qt6-6.9.exe and setup-qt-dab32-qt6-6.9V3.exe
on the Qt-DAB release Github page.

The new Qt6 precompiled versions no longer have the ‘load table’ button to download the latest fmlist database due to some stability issues.
You need to set-up and then run the new little program setup-qt-db-loader.exe.
In the Configuration and control widget you then click on ‘refresh table’ and you are good to go.

Also new is a ‘new tii detector’ at top left hand side of the Configuration and control widget.
When not ticked the old detector is in use.

New tii detector and refresh table

Last but not least the ‘furthest distance’ now shows the most distant location of all scanned channels and no longer the one of the currently scanned one.

Furthest distance now shows the most distant location of all scanned channels

January 3 2025 Qt-DAB-6.9 Beta update

An update to Qt-DAB-6.9 Beta was released today by Jan Van Katwijk.
The updated Qt-DAB can be downloaded from on Jan’s Github releases page.
Jan Van Katwijk appreciates your comments and feedback on his Qt-DAB Github issues page.

What’s new in this updated 6.9 Beta?

°A new and very sensitive algorithm to detect TII values coupled to names and data from received transmitter.

°The minimum level of the TII threshold is now 6 dB. Setting the correct TII threshold level make take some experimenting. Below your set threshold level Qt-DAB will assume the signal is noise.
This may reduce the number of ‘not in database’ messages.

TII threshold setting
TII threshold setting

°An experimental subID filtering option had been added.

subID filtering
subID filtering

°TII scope ins the spectrum widget has been modified. It now shows the pre-processed data (192 elements) used by the tii decoder.

TII scope
TII scope

°The scope widget has been enlarged.

°The scanning .csv output has been improved making it easier to analyse the scanning data.

QT-DAB-6.9 update
QT-DAB-6.9 update

January 1 2025

A new year, time to look back on 2024.

In 2024 I was able to do 671 logs from these countries: BEL, CZE, D, DNK, F, G, HOL, NOR and SUI.
The furthest transmitter logged was Olomouc/Radíkov (CRo DAB on 12D): 910 km covered.


On FM quite a few stations were logged especially during the Sporadic es season, although tropospheric dx wasn’t too bad either.

I made 425 logs from 9 countries: AUT, CZE, D, DNK, F, G, HOL, POL, SUI.

12 Belgian DXers made 3159 from 15 countries: AUT, BEL, CZE, D, DNK, E, F, G, HOL, IRL, LUX, POL, S, SUI.
On September 15 Culleredo/Monte Xalo (E) was logged on 91.6 MHz (RNE Radio Clásica) and on 94.5 MHz (RNE Radio 3) over a distance of 1331 km.

1118 logs from 28 countries are in my 2024 logbook.
On CCIR I entered 972 logs from 27 countries: ALB, ALG, BIH, BUL, E, F, FIN, GIB, GRC, HNG, HRV, I, MDA, MKD, MLT, MNE, MRC, POL, POR, RKS, ROU, RUS, SRB, SVK, TUN, TUR.
On OIRT 146 logs from 3 countries were entered: BLR, RUS, UKR.

9 Belgian DXers made 4716 CCIR logs from 37 countries: ALB, ALG, BIH, BLR, BUL, CZE, E, EST, F, FIN, FRO, G, GIB, GRC, HNG, HRV, I, ISL, LBY, LTU, MCO, MDA, MKD, MLT, MNE, MRC, POL, POR, RKS, ROU, RUS, S, SRB, SVK, TUN, TUR, UKR.
6 Belgian DXers entered 367 OIRT logs from BLR, MDA, RUS, UKR.
The most distant station logged was SNRT Al Idaâ Al-Watania from Talâat N’Yakoub, MRC on October 17 at 2464 km.

Aurora en meteor scatter
3 Belgian DXers made 22 logs OIRT and CCR from 4 countries: BLR, DNK, G and UKR.

FM Logs

All BEL logs from 2024 can be downloaded here (BEL_logs2024.csv). References to DXers names and location have been deleted for privacy reasons (GDPR).

December 31 2024

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km TII
178.35 5C 1451 D DR Deutschland, Braunschweig/Broitzem (nds) 420km 1902
178.35 5C 1731 D DR Deutschland, Inselsberg (thü) 403km 2602
190.64 7B 1740 D hr Radio, Hardberg (hes) 333km 0616
190.64 7B 1806 D hr Radio, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km 0620
197.65 8B 1806 D MDR THUERINGEN, Suhl/Erleshügel (thü) 426km 4207
197.65 8B 1806 D MDR THUERINGEN, Sonneberg/Bleßberg (thü) 447km 4208
197.65 8B 1808 D MDR THUERINGEN, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km 4211
197.65 8B 1808 D MDR THUERINGEN, Inselsberg (thü) 403km 4202
197.65 8B 2134 D MDR THUERINGEN, Bad Lobenstein/Sieglitzberg (thü) 490km 4211
197.65 8B 2146 D MDR THUERINGEN, Remda (Saalfeld) (thü) 454km 4202
