November 18 2024 – DP-666 TEF6686

Sjef Verhoeven is well-known a.o. in the FMDX community for his work with the famous TEF6686 chip.
I’ve been paying attention to his Facebook TEF profile, his website and articles about the TEF on
Some intriguing videos about the TEF6686 radio handling weak signals next to a strong transmitter in eye sight attracted my attention.

TEF6686 handling weak signalsdirect link

Why buying a TEF6686 radio set? What about my own set-up? I’m using a Körner 15.11 FM antenna and SDR Console software with an Airspy R2, a RSP1a and a RSPdx SDRs for fmdx.
Performance with all the hardware is great, especially during es.
However tropo is problematic towards the SSW (Brussels): both the RSPs and the Airspy tend to overload and they need a lot of gain fiddling to get it right. It is really never optimum.
Time to buy a TEF6686 radio and find out if these sets are really that great.
As most owners do I purchased a unit at AliExpress. Which one? On a guide will help you.
I went for the Deepelec DP-666 TEF6686. Do have a look at the Deepelec website.
You can check out the manual and videos. A great help for first time TEF users as it can be a bit overwhelming initially! Be careful not to set the language to Chinese if you cannot read it.

How does the unit perform when hooking it up to the Körner 15.11 antenna?
As shown in the videos like the one above sensitivity and selectivity are indeed superior.
There are tons of bandwidth settings but AUTOBW does a great job choosing the best bandwidth.

Deepelec DP-666 TEF6686
Default RDS screen
Default RDS screen
Advanced RDS screen
Advanced RDS screen

My set has the 2.0.0 Megatron firmware. The lastest firmware is 2.11.
How to upgrade is explained in this video. I haven’t tried it myself (yet).
Update November 27 2024: now running 2.11.5.

First impressions comparing the Körner 15.11 connected to the Airspy R2 and to the DP-666 with a splitter are great.
Performance between both set-ups is on par, but the overload problem to the SSW isn’t there on the DP-666.
Moreover only once Airpsy R2 and SDR Console detected a correct RDS PI code which DP-666 did not notice at all. On the other hand DP-666 could detect a RDS PI a dozen times when SDR Console and Airspy R2 could not.
The DP-666 passed the test with flying colours.

The DP-666 TEF6686 (and other sets with the TEF6686) with superb sensitivity and selectivity is excellent for portable use. It takes a while to check and optimise the settings to your liking.
Deepelec provide a nice set: the radio unit, a pouch, a whip antenna and a USB-A to C data cable to connect the device to a computer.
All perfect when you are on the go.

Connecting a TEF6686 to a pc is easy with the provided cable.
You could try XDR-GTK software. Unzip the software to a folder and run it.
In the settings you need to choose the correct COM which can be found in the Device Manager (Ports – USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM…).

XDR-GTK software
Connect XDR-GRK to the correct COM port
Setting COM in XDR-GTK

Installing a webserver offers a lot more options, settings and plugins.
It can also be a public server like the ones on this page. At the moment of writing I’m running the private server option, not sharing my receiver via the internet. This might change of course.

How to get started?
1. Install node js from this website. Do this carefully.
2. Download the webserver zip ( from this page.
By default you can unzip to C:\fm-dx-webserver-main. I preferred to unzip then files to C:\Webserver.
3. Open your command prompt and go to C:\fm-dx-webserver-main (in my set-up C:\Webserver).
The run this command: npm install . So C:\fm-dx-webserver-main\npm install .
If asked for an admin password, do so.
The start the server by running npm run webserver .
4. Open your brower and navigate to http:/localhost:8080
Not running? Check the COM port in your device manager and then by logging in as admin (wheel at the top right) to the webserver on localhost:8080.

How to start again after closing the browser and webserver?
Again open the command prompt and type C:\. Then C:\fm-dx-webserver-main and npm run webserver .
You could write a .bat file saved on your desktop to make it easier.
It should contain 1 line: node . –debug

Do have a look at the video below before installing node and setting up the webserver!

Setting up the webserver
Setting up the webserverdirect link
FM-DX Webserver
FM-DX Webserver
Default webserver localhost browser screen
Default webserver localhost browser screen
Webserver local host screen with admin settings and plugins
Webserver local host screen with admin settings and plugins

There are quite a few interesting plugins available on this plugin page.
I love the RDS-LOGGER, STREAM and LIVEMAP. With the LIVEMAP you can upload logs to the!

LIVEMAP with RDS logger on and upload to the fmlist
Click on the LIVEMAP button (1) and then on the correct location tab (2) to upload.
Make sure to have logged in to the in another brower tab.
No RDS data - choose the correct location on the LIVEMAP and upload to the
No RDS data – choose the correct location on the LIVEMAP and upload to the

Having installed the LIVEMAP you can then double click on the PI code in the main screen.
Then a new browser tab is opened with tons of possibilities!

More info needed? Questions to be asked?
Have a look at the fm-dx-webserver DISCORD OpenRadio Community.

November 16 2024

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km TII
197.65 8B 0815 D MDR THUERINGEN Sonneberg/Bleßberg thü 447 4208
197.65 8B 0815 D MDR THUERINGEN Inselsberg thü 403 4202
197.65 8B 0815 D MDR THUERINGEN Kreuzberg (Rhön) bay 377 4211
197.65 8B 0816 D MDR THUERINGEN Kulpenberg thü 445 4209
197.65 8B 0816 D MDR THUERINGEN Remda (Saalfeld) thü 454 4206
190.64 7B 0817 D hr Radio Kreuzberg (Rhön) bay 377 620
229.07 12D 0846 CZE CRo DAB+ Jeseník/Praded OL 889 4502
229.07 12D 0846 CZE CRo DAB+ Brno/Kojál JM 879 5503
229.07 12D 0846 CZE CRo DAB+ Jihlava/Javorice VY 782 6505
197.65 8B 0906 D MDR THUERINGEN Reichenbach Netzschkau sac 529 4215
202.93 9A 0906 D MDR SACHSEN Reichenbach Netzschkau sac 529 3917
202.93 9A 0907 D MDR SACHSEN Chemnitz/Geyer sac 574 3903
178.35 5C 0910 D DR Deutschland Blauen bwü 418 Presumed location – colliding subIDs. 1117
204.64 9B 0939 D Antenne DE Aalen/Braunenberg bwü 455 4310
202.93 9A 0943 D MDR SACHSEN Schöneck (Vogtland) sac 542 3905
218.64 11B 0951 D OAS BW Heidelberg/Königstuhl, SWR bwü 336 6123
218.64 11B 0951 D OAS BW Aalen/Braunenberg bwü 455 1815
197.65 8B 1002 D MDR THUERINGEN Bad Lobenstein/Sieglitzberg thü 490 4205
199.36 8C 1006 D Mittelfranken Hesselberg Wassertrüdingen bay 467 511
190.64 7B 1009 D hr Radio Darmstadt/Waldkolonie hes 302 First 617
199.36 8C 1017 D Mittelfranken Dillberg bay 510 513
190.64 7B 1037 D hr Radio Schlüchtern/Alte Hohenzeller Str. hes 347 First 606
178.35 5C 1049 D DR Deutschland Ochsenkopf bay 513 Presumed location – colliding subIDs. 1206
199.36 8C 1109 D Mittelfranken Büttelberg bay 439 515
218.64 11B 1111 D OAS BW Alpirsbach bwü 396 1819
229.07 12D 1111 D Antenne DE Augsburg/Hotelturm bay 532 4402
197.65 8B 1113 D AllgäuDonauIller Markt Wald (Mittelneufnach) bay 529 3103
218.64 11B 1115 D OAS BW Baden-Baden/Merkur bwü 356 801
218.64 11B 1120 D OAS BW Donaueschingen bwü 444 1809
218.64 11B 1123 D OAS BW Wertheim Kreuzwertheim [bay] bwü 367 First 1901
218.64 11B 1123 D OAS BW Heilbronn/Schweinsberg bwü 386 6105
218.64 11B 1127 D OAS BW Blauen bwü 418 1810
229.07 12D 1127 D Antenne DE Wendelstein bay 642 4411
218.64 11B 1131 D OAS BW Geislingen/Oberböhringen bwü 450 6112
218.64 11B 1131 D OAS BW Brandenkopf bwü 385 1818
218.64 11B 1137 D OAS BW Stuttgart/Frauenkopf bwü 406 6101
218.64 11B 1139 D OAS BW Raichberg bwü 429 1807
218.64 11B 1139 D OAS BW Pforzheim/Langenbrand bwü 371 6104
218.64 11B 1139 D OAS BW Langenburg bwü 415 1816
218.64 11B 1150 D OAS BW Kempten/Blender bay 539 1823
229.07 12D 1155 D Antenne DE München/Olympiaturm bay 584 4401
208.06 9D 1204 D SWR BW N, Aalen/Braunenberg (bwü) 455km 4411
208.06 9D 1204 D SWR BW N, Murgtal (bwü) 367km 4402



MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km
91.40 1105 D BAYERN 1, Büttelberg (bay) 439km
99.40 1505 D BAYERN 3, Ochsenkopf (bay) ID 513km
96.00 1507 D Bayern 2, Ochsenkopf (bay) // stream 513km
103.20 1508 D Antenne Bayern, Ochsenkopf (bay) // stream 513km
105.30 1512 D BR24, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) // stream 377km
100.30 1518 D Deutschlandfunk (Dlf), Ochsenkopf (bay) // stream 513km
98.00 1523 D NDR 1 Niedersachsen, Torfhaus (Harz-West) (nds) // 413km


November 15 2024

MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km
96.30 1512 D BAYERN 3, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) ID 377km
96.20 1513 D SWR Kultur, Hornisgrinde/SWR (bwü) 365km
95.30 1515 D YOU FM (hr), Hardberg (hes) 333km
94.30 1516 D Radio RSG, Solingen (nrw) 166km
92.70 1519 D hr3, Hardberg (hes) 333km
91.90 1522 D hr4, Rimberg (hes) 333km
88.10 1527 D Radio Hochstift, Eggegebirge/Lichtenauer Kreuz (nrw) 306km
87.90 1528 D MDR Kultur, Inselsberg (thü) 403km
87.70 1529 D Welle Niederrhein, Krefeld-Bockum (nrw) 137km
106.80 1534 D Hit Radio FFH, Driedorf/Höllberg (hes) 244km
107.80 1841 SUI RSI Rete Uno, Säntis (sg) // stream 535km
101.50 1845 SUI Radio SRF 1, Säntis (sg) // stream 535km
100.30 1854 D Radio Salü, Moseltal (Perl) (saa) 208km
92.60 1905 D SWR Kultur, Blauen (bwü) // stream 418km
89.40 2013 F France Musique, Épinal/Bois de la Vierge (88) 340km
89.80 2020 F Canal FM, Berlaimont/FPS Tower (59) First – ID 117km
94.00 2026 F France Musique, Vittel/Thuillières (Le Haut de Dimont) (88) 329km
88.50 2119 F France Culture, Bourges/Neuvy-Collines du Sancerrois (18) // stream 439km


November 14 – QIRX 4.2.4 released


Clem Schmidt has just released QIRX 4.2. 4.
I installed 4.2.4 over 4.2.3 and it all worked nicely except for TII decoding: nothing happened.
Running the .msi installer again and choosing uninstall QIRX, then running it again and installing QIRX solved this issue quickly.
What’s new in QIRX 4.2.4?
° DAB CIR: the transmitter names beneath the TII Id selectable, persistant.
° DAB TII Table: ETSI conformance indicated individually for every transmitter.
° DAB SPI: Progress circle.
° WFM Stereo Pilot: Precision frequency calculation (<10mHz).
More details about this new 4.2.4 can be found on the QIRX history page.
Download the excellent QIRX 4.2.4 here.

QIRX 4.2.4
QIRX 4.2.4

November 11 2024 – Qt-DAB-6.8 released

Yesterday Jan Van Katwijk released Qt-DAB-6.8
You can download the new Qt-DAB and the manual on Jan’s Github releases page.
Jan Van Katwijk appreciates your comments and feedback on his Qt-DAB Github issues page.

What’s new?
° There’s a new .ini file (.qt-dab-6.8.ini) as the old one had become a bit messy.
° The new .ini file will not know your location. This will need to be entered once more.
Upon starting Qt you’ll get a warning.

° Users can change the path for files in the Configuration and control widget.

° Also new: the service selected will be retained after returning to the channel during a session.


Update: November 12 2024.
A small compass was added to the received TII widget visualising the received signal direction.

Compass to visualise the received signal direction.
Compass to visualise the received signal direction.

November 7 2024

MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km
103.20 1435 D Antenne Bayern, Ochsenkopf (bay) 513km
102.30 1436 D BR Klassik, Ochsenkopf (bay) 513km
96.00 1437 D Bayern 2, Ochsenkopf (bay) 513km
96.30 1438 D BAYERN 3, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) PI logged: D313 PS logged: BAYERN_3 377km
98.30 1440 D BAYERN 1, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km
100.30 1443 D Deutschlandfunk (Dlf), Ochsenkopf (bay) 513km
87.90 1446 D MDR Kultur, Inselsberg (thü) 403km
90.20 1447 D MDR JUMP, Inselsberg (thü) 403km
93.10 1456 D Bayern 2, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km
91.40 1930 CZE Radio Impuls, Plzen/Krašov (PL) // stream 602km
89.10 1931 CZE CRo Radiožurnál, Plzen/Krašov (PL) // stream 602km
107.10 1948 D BR24, Ochsenkopf (bay) // stream 513km
105.30 1954 D BR24, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) PI logged: D315 377km
105.20 1955 D Radio Berg, Lindlar/Brungerst (nrw) PI logged: D79B 187km
100.30 2007 D planet radio, Eisenberg (Neuenstein) (hes) // stream 336km


MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km TII
197.65 8B 2008 D MDR THUERINGEN, Sonneberg/Bleßberg (thü) 447km 4202
197.65 8B 2009 D MDR THUERINGEN, Suhl/Erleshügel (thü) 426km 4207
197.65 8B 2014 D MDR THUERINGEN, Inselsberg (thü) 403km 4208
