January 11 2020 – new DAB Yagi 17 elements

The new DAB Yagi 174 elements from RF Market has been installed.
The construction is very sturdy, although the circuit box interior had crumbled a bit.
Circuit box in poor condition
Specs: gain 14 dbi – F/B ratio 35 db – V opening angle 30°.
First impression:

RF Market DAB YAGI 17 elements

Yagi DAB 17 elements at bottom
Körner 15.11 - Yagi DAB 17 elements

January 7 2020 – QIRX released

Today QIRX was released by Clem Schmidt.
Download here.

What’s new? Copied from the QIRX-History page.(© Clem Schmidt)

  • Installer
    Starting with this release, QIRX will be downloadable as a standard Windows Installer file (.msi). The installation is started by double-clicking this file. Per default the code with all necessary files and drivers is installed into the “Program Files” directory.The data files are installed in the standard user application data directory, mostly looking like so:
    C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\qirx\
    The qirx.config file must reside in that directory. All of the other directories might be edited in the qirx.config file if appropriate, by hand.For special applications, the introduction of the installer still allows the use of more than instance of qirx. However, to run error-free, the second instance should reside in another directory, like e.g. in a version lower than this one. Please note that in this case also the directories for the data have to be adjusted manually in the qirx.config for that other instance.
  • TII Tab
    TII Averaging: Its time can be adjusted with the “Average” slider. In this way it is possible to adjust the averaging according to the application profile:

    • High sensitivity: Large averaging time.
    • Good realtime response times: Small averaging time.

    Thanks to Petr, OK2HF, who motivated the introduction of this feature, as he noticed the TII values lagging behind due to the large averaging of several minutes.

    TII Collisions: Different Main Ids using the same Sub Id cannot be resolved by the TII decoder. These “collisions” can now be shown by checking the corrsponding checkbox. There will be a tutorial explaining how to make use of this feature, and – with some luck – resolve the collisions.

    TII List Entries: Each contains a checkbox. If selected, ith shows in the TII spectrum the carriers generating the TII.

  • Scanner
    The scanner in its current version sometimes needs more time to stabilize on an ensemble than provided by the default value, in particular when the receiver is not properly calibrated. It is possible to adjust this time in the scanner dialog. It is called “Delay Time Before Ident”. This is another feature having been suggested by Guido Schotmans.
  • Map
    Right-clicking into an ensemble icon now offers the “Info” context menu. On activating it, it shows – for that transmitter – the whole information contained in the database.
    Another context menu item selectable by clicking in an empty region of the map allows to remove all presently visible inactive, i.e. grayed icons on the map.
  • Raw Files
    The files of a raw recording are prepended with a xml header, containing the relevant metadata. This feature, suggested by qirx, has been a common effort between the authors of Qt-DAB and QIRX. This header will be described in some more detail elsewhere.
    With this header, it is no longer necessary to change configuration settings for a specific replay. However, for backward compatiblity, raw files without header remain possible.
    In QIRX, – implemented since – it allows e.g. for the following new possibilities:

    • Changing the ensemble during a recording, and having that change reflected in the same way on replay.
    • Display of Frequency and Block Id during a replay.
    • Display of application and device used during the recording.
  • Sampling Rates
    For experimental purposes, different sampling rates can be selected in the configuration. This allows for instance to run the Airspy with its native sampling rate of 3Msps. A corresponding fractional resampler, based on Lagrange Interpolation (with an order of two, using parabolas as polynomials) has been realized, together with the necessary filtering.
    This feature is of course also usable for the replay of corresponding raw files.
  • Hardware Gain Level indication
    For RTL-SDR compatible dongles, an enhanced rtl_tcp.exe reports the value of the overall gain used by the Tuner . It is indicated in QIRX in the “R820T” tab as a percentage level number. 100% mean the tuner is using all of its possible gain.
    In the rtl_tcp.exe, this feature again has been developed by rundfunkforum user Oldenburger, adding another enhancement of this popular hardware to his long successful AGC and HW Filter developments.

QIRX released January 7 2020.

January 1 2020



MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km

208.06 9D 0713 D SWR BW N, Heidelberg/Königstuhl, SWR (bwü) 336km
208.06 9D 0713 D SWR BW N, Aalen/Braunenberg (bwü) 455km
208.06 9D 0714 D SWR BW N, Waldenburg (bwü) 406km
208.06 9D 0714 D SWR BW N, Stuttgart-Degerloch (bwü) 406km
190.64 7B 0721 D hr Radio, Rimberg (hes) 333km
190.64 7B 0722 D hr Radio, Hardberg (hes) 333km
208.06 9D 0728 D SWR BW N, Heilbronn/Weinsberg (bwü) 384km
208.06 9D 0728 D SWR BW N, Murgtal (bwü) 367km
197.65 8B 1048 D MDR THUERINGEN, Remda (Saalfeld) (thü) 454km
199.36 8C 1703 D Mittelfranken, Hesselberg Wassertrüdingen (bay) 467km
199.36 8C 1706 D Mittelfranken, Büttelberg (bay) 440km
199.36 8C 1706 D Mittelfranken, Dillberg (bay) 510km
BR VerkehrMap

December 31 2019

MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km
 94.30 1010 D Radio RSG, Solingen (nrw) 166km
 96.30 1012 D BAYERN 3, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km
 93.40 1013 D BAYERN 3, Pfaffenberg (bay) 341km
 99.40 1015 D BAYERN 3, Ochsenkopf (bay) ID 513km
100.30 1016 D Planet Radio, Eisenberg (Neuenstein) (hes) ID 336km
103.00 1020 D BFBS Germany, Bielefeld/Hünenburg (nrw) 284km
104.80 1027 D hr1, Heidelstein (Rhön) [bay] (hes) 377km
105.20 1031 D Radio Berg, Lindlar/Brungerst (nrw) 187km
106.60 1032 D big FM (Rheinland-Pfalz), Scharteberg (Eifel) (rlp) 168km
 88.20 1034 D Radio Siegen, Siegen/Giersberg (nrw) 233km
 91.30 1037 D SR 2 Kultur, Göttelborner Höhe (saa) 246km
 95.00 1041 D hr-info, Rimberg (hes) 333km
 95.30 1043 D YOU FM (hr), Hardberg (hes) 333km
 96.00 1045 D Bayern 2, Ochsenkopf (bay) 513km
100.30 1016 D Planet Radio, Eisenberg (Neuenstein) (hes) ID 336km
103.00 1020 D BFBS Germany, Bielefeld/Hünenburg (nrw) 284km
104.80 1027 D hr1, Heidelstein (Rhön) [bay] (hes) 377km
105.20 1031 D Radio Berg, Lindlar/Brungerst (nrw) 187km
106.60 1032 D big FM (Rheinland-Pfalz), Scharteberg (Eifel) (rlp) 168km
 91.30 1037 D SR 2 Kultur, Göttelborner Höhe (saa) 246km
 95.00 1041 D hr-info, Rimberg (hes) 333km
 95.30 1043 D YOU FM (hr), Hardberg (hes) 333km
 96.00 1045 D Bayern 2, Ochsenkopf (bay) 513km
 96.70 1441 D hr2, Großer Feldberg (Taunus)/hr (hes) over local Mechelen 277km




MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km
190.64 7B 1305 D hr Radio, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km
176.64 5B 1306 BEL NAM-LUX 1, Bouillon/Route du Moulin (wal-lux) 138km
197.65 8B 2214 D MDR THUERINGEN, Inselsberg (thü) 403km
197.65 8B 2214 D MDR THUERINGEN, Sonneberg/Bleßberg (thü) 447km
208.06 9D 2224 D SWR BW N, Aalen/Braunenberg (bwü) 455km
208.06 9D 2224 D SWR BW N, Buchen/Walldürner Str. (bwü) 366km
