Author: FMDABDXer

January 2 2024 – Qt-DAB 6.40 released

Today Jan Van Katwijk released a Qt-DAB 6.40.Qt-DAB 6.40 is a transitional release towards moving from 32-bit to 64 bit Windows releases.The 6.40 64bit runs RTL-SDRV4 and not V3. There are two 32 bit versions: one for RTL-SDR V3 and one for V4. Download QT-DAB 6.40 from Jan’s Github release pageWhat’s new?

January 1 2024

My 2023 FMDX in numbers. 1043 logs were recorded with 703 different stations from 30 countries.Download my 2023 FM logs here. Belgian DXers made 8931 logs with 3221 different stations from 41 countries.

December 18 2023

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km202.93 9A 0004 F REIMS 9A, Reims/la Vigie (51) 197km202.93 9A 0113 F Brest-Etendu, Guingamp/Plouisy château d’eau (22) 628km197.65 8B 0201 F Métropolitain 1, Nogent-le-Rotrou/Ceton 61 417km188.93 7A 0202 F Le-Mans-Etendu, Nogent-le-Rotrou/Ceton 61 417km218.64 11B 0414 F Paris-Etendu, Paris/Hotel Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile (75) 293km202.93 9A…

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December 17 2023

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km197.65 8B 0640 D MDR THUERINGEN, Inselsberg (thü) 403km197.65 8B 0640 D MDR THUERINGEN, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km190.64 7B 0641 D hr Radio, Rimberg (hes) 333km190.64 7B 0642 D hr Radio, Habichtswald (hes) 325km190.64 7B 0642 D hr Radio, Würzberg (hes) 343km190.64 7B 0642 D hr…

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December 15 2023

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km197.65 8B 1243 F Métropolitain 1, Combles/A1 rue de Sailly (80) 170km202.93 9A 1247 F REIMS 9A, Reims/la Vigie (51) 197km199.36 8C 1302 F Métropolitain 2, Creil/Mont Pagnotte (60) 241km190.64 7B 1732 D hr Radio, Hohe Wurzel (hes) 261km190.64 7B 1734 D hr Radio, Rimberg (hes)…

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December 14 2023

MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km199.36 8C 1001 F Métropolitain 2, Béthune-Lens/Bouvigny-Boyeffles CV11 (62) 158km NEW! 199.36 8C 1001 F Métropolitain 2, Arras/Sainte-Catherine (62) 157km199.36 8C 1001 F Métropolitain 2, Cambrai/Martin-Martine (59) 138km199.36 8C 1001 F Métropolitain 2, Douai/LAM (59) 135km199.36 8C 1037 F Métropolitain 2, Tours/les Rochettes (37) 493km –…

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