Download here. EPG handling updated. Conversion from epg to xml. Adalm Pluto support.
World of DX-ing
Download here. EPG handling updated. Conversion from epg to xml. Adalm Pluto support.
QT-DAB 4.35 was released today by Jan Van Katwijk.What’s new? Removing a preset from the list by simply right clicking on it. Scan and content output form are the same. Manual updated. Download QT-DAB 4.35 here.
What’s new? RSPdx is now supported. DAB Fine Frequency correction: It has been improved to be now accurate to better than 1Hz in the RSP’s, and about 7Hz in the RTL-SDR dongles. TII high resolution spectra: These are now showing the carrier pairs with a very good stability. TII and CIR: An algorithm has been…
QT vs QIRX – RSP1A vs R820T For DAB+ DXing QIRX and QT-DAB are great software, while RSP1A and RTL-SDR R820T are excellent hardware. The software is free thanks to excellent work from Clem Schmidt and Jan Van Katwijk.The differences between the set-ups are minimal and price-quality wise RTL-SDR R820T is a fantastic product for…
QT-DAB 4.3 official release. Download it here. Station name, location and direction from your QT are now shown.Activate via config (1), load table (2) and fill in your coordinates (3).With the ‘logger’ all this info can be logged in a *.txt file.
Jan Van Katwijk yesterday pre-released QT-dab 4.3. NEW: 4.3 now show the transmitter location, distance and azimuth to the location.This is a great new feature! Download QT-dab for Windows and Linux here.
Yesterday evening Clem Schmidt released QIRX 3.2.1. You can download it here. What’s new? ° .net6 implemented° GUI changes in TII spectrum° new RSP3_tcp when running an RSP device Detailed info here.