First reception of Ostbelgien 8A from Amel/Meyerode today!

World of DX-ing
Another update of Qt_DAB-6.5Beta by Jan Van Katwijk. Download Qt-DAB here.
What’s new?
Update February 8: Qt_DAB-6.5Beta now retains the RSPdx antenna choice from the previous session.
Another Qt_DAB-6.5Beta update today by Jan Van Katwijk.
Download Qt_DAB-6.5Beta here.
In previous Beta releases the location, distance and bearing indicator could be found in the main Widget (1).
However the corresponding TII’s could only be found in the spectrumscope tab TII (2).
In today’s release location, distance and bearing indication are still in the main Widget, but the currently received TII is now also in the main Widget (2) and in the spectrumscope tab TII (3) too making it easier to see which other TIIs have been received recently in this Block.
MHz Block UTC ITU Ensemble + Location Details Remarks km
202.93 9A 0658 D DR Saarland, Felsberg-Berus (saa) 237km
202.93 9A 0704 F REIMS 9A, Reims/la Vigie (51) 197km
218.64 11B 0704 F Paris-Etendu, Paris/Hotel Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile (75) 293km
188.93 7A 0705 F Valenciennes, Cambrai/Martin-Martine (59) 138km
192.35 7C 0706 F Lille-Local, Lille/Roubaix (59) 112km
194.06 7D 0706 F LILLE 7D, Lille/Fort de Mons-en-Barœul (59) 119km
195.94 8A 0706 F LILLE 8A, Dunkerque/Saint-Pol-sur-Mer (59) 165km
197.65 8B 0707 F Métropolitain 1, Combles/A1 rue de Sailly (80) 170km
199.36 8C 0708 F Métropolitain 2, Creil/Mont Pagnotte (60) 241km
215.07 10D 0722 BEL DAB+ W-VL, Roeselare/Kaaistraat (vlg-wvl) 111km