Clem Schmidt’s QIRX 4.2.1 has been released today. Download QIRX 4.2.1 here. QIRX manuals: here. Compare V3 vs V4 features here. Mind: QIRX 4 is not free. You need a licence key. Make sure you do have your licence key at hand when installing an update. QIRX might ask you to input it. Also a backup of your QIRX config file could be useful when something goes wrong.
Today Jan Van Katwijk released a Qt-DAB 6.40. Qt-DAB 6.40 is a transitional release towards moving from 32-bit to 64 bit Windows releases. The 6.40 64bit runs RTL-SDRV4 and not V3. There are two 32 bit versions: one for RTL-SDR V3 and one for V4.
The scanning code has been rewritten and the scan button optimised.
The number of buttons are reduced. The schedule button was moved to the ‘show controls’ widget (1). The content button (2), the technical widget button (3) and the mute button (4) are replaced are now clickable labels.
The label indicating the computer load disappeared, as well the label telling the estimated TII.
MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km 88.50 2052 F France Culture, Bourges/Neuvy-Collines du Sancerrois (18) 439km 89.80 2054 F France Culture, Argenton-sur-Creuse/Malicornay (36) 541km 95.30 2100 F France Inter, Troyes/les Riceys (10) 336km 100.50 2103 F France Bleu Gascogne, Bayonne/la Rhune (64) PI logged: F207 980km 91.80 2110 F France Musique, Bourges/Neuvy-Collines du Sancerrois (18) 439km 103.20 2116 F France Bleu Berry, Bourges/Neuvy-Collines du Sancerrois (18) // web 439km
MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km 93.50 1833 F France Inter, Rennes/Saint-Pern (Bécherel) (35) // web 567km 94.00 1834 F France Culture, Rouen/Grand-Couronne (76) PI logged: F202 321km 91.50 1836 F France Culture, Caen/Mont Pinçon (14) // web 442km 95.00 1839 F France Inter, Mantes-la-Jolie/Maudétour 95 // web 299km 93.00 1844 F France Inter, Limoges/les Cars (87) // web 652km 91.80 1851 F France Musique, Bourges/Neuvy-Collines du Sancerrois (18) // web 439km 91.00 1852 F France Musique, Alençon/les Cailloux (61) // web 406km 89.80 1853 F France Culture, Argenton-sur-Creuse/Malicornay (36) // web 541km 93.00 1856 F France Bleu Breizh Izel, Brest/Roc Trédudon (29) // web 682km 89.20 1858 F France Musique, Reims-Épernay/Hautvillers (51) // web 218km 89.40 1858 F France Musique, Brest/Roc Trédudon (29) // web 682km 88.50 1859 F France Culture, Bourges/Neuvy-Collines du Sancerrois (18) PI logged: F202 PS logged: _CULTURE 439km 96.30 1902 F France Inter, Sens/Gisy-les-Nobles (89) // web 316km 96.80 1904 F France Inter, Reims-Épernay/Hautvillers (51) // web 218km 99.60 1907 F France Inter, Caen/Mont Pinçon (14) // web 442km 93.80 1952 F France Musique, Sens/Gisy-les-Nobles (89) // web 316km