Another TEF6686 has arrived. Not a Deepelec DP-666 this time but a metal cased one. The Deepelec allows the user to tap in the frequency, but this one doesn’t. No small memory buttons either. The Deepelec has a plastic casing. The new TEF6686 came with an RDS sticker, a data cable and an antenna. No pouch.
TEF6686 delivery
Having a metal casing makes this devices look sturdier and of course it could allow for better shielding. However performances between both devices seem equal.
Metal cased TEF6686
Unfortunately this TEF came with very old firmware (v1.18) making it impossible to hook up the device to a webserver. Flashing the firmware is not too difficult. Do have a look a these instruction videos on Youtube (video 1 – video 2). Where to find the new firmware? Have a look at this Github page or check out the Discord page with latest (Beta) updates.
Qt-DAB-6.9 test release was published yesterday by Jan Van Katwijk You can download the new Qt-DAB and the manual on Jan’s Github releases page. Jan Van Katwijk appreciates your comments and feedback on his Qt-DAB Github issues page.
This is a TEST RELEASE as a first step towards porting from Qt 5 tot Qt 6. The old .ini won’t work and new .ini will be built and users will have to input coordinates and download the ‘load table’ again.
MHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details Remarks km 91.80 0733 F France Musique, Bourges/Neuvy-Collines du Sancerrois (18) 439km 94.90 0734 F France Inter, Bourges/Neuvy-Collines du Sancerrois (18) 439km 103.20 0735 F France Bleu Berry, Bourges/Neuvy-Collines du Sancerrois (18) ID 439km 95.00 0737 F France Inter, Mantes-la-Jolie/Maudétour 95 299km 95.30 0737 F France Inter, Troyes/les Riceys (10) 336km 96.30 0740 F France Inter, Sens/Gisy-les-Nobles (89) 316km 96.50 0740 F France Inter, Rouen/Grand-Couronne (76) 321km 97.10 0741 F France Musique, Mantes-la-Jolie/Maudétour 95 299km 97.90 0742 F France Culture, Troyes/les Riceys (10) 336km 100.30 0744 F France Inter, Maubeuge/Rousies (59) 95km 106.30 0746 F France Info, Verdun/Septsarges (55) 194km 89.80 0751 F Canal FM, Berlaimont/FPS Tower (59) 117km 93.30 0829 F France Musique, Chaumont-Langres/Chalindrey (52) 358km 96.30 1307 D BAYERN 3, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km 100.30 1310 D planet radio, Eisenberg (Neuenstein) (hes) 336km 105.30 1317 D BR24, Kreuzberg (Rhön) (bay) 377km 106.80 1319 D Hit Radio FFH, Driedorf/Höllberg (hes) 244km 87.90 1321 D MDR Kultur, Inselsberg (thü) 403km 90.10 1323 D Radio 90,1, Mönchengladbach/Pescher Str. (nrw) 123km
At 00:10 LT tonight WDR Regional on 9A came on air with a huge signal from Aachen/Stolberg. CNR (db) and MER (db) values are a lot higher than 9B and 9D from Aachen/Karlshöhe. Bye bye DAB from Saarland, Sachsen, Reims.