Qt-DAB 6.25 has some issues with RTLSDR V4 vs V3. Yesterday Jan uploaded two test versions on his github page: setup-qt-dab32-6.25.exe runs well with V4 but not V3, setup-qt-dab32-6.V3.exe runs well with V3 but not V4.
See the description on Jan’s page: NOTE ON RTLSDR DEVICES
The “new” RTLSDR V4 device requires a library that is compatible with – through different from – the older libraries. Since there were comments that Qt-DAB with the “new” library was deaf.
For a fair test I created two versions of the Windows installer for Qt-DAB, one with the “old” library (the one with V3 in its name) and a version with the “new” library for V4 versions.
(Of course the V3 supported version will not work with RTLSDR V4 devices).
The versions can coexist, however, their appearance will be the same, after all it is just for testing.
If you happen to have a V3 and/or V4 we’d appreciate your feedback in the comments below (Discussion: Leave a comment) or on Jan’s github issues page.
You need a (free) github account to comment.